The Round Up #24

Join The Newsletter

The following is an excerpt from The Round Up, a somewhat frequent newsletter that I send out.

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    Hey everyone,

    As usual, welcome to all the new faces around here. Since I posted my obsidian markdown guide there has been a massive influx of new subscribers. So, if you’re one of those people, welcome.

    I’ve also seen some growth on my YouTube Channel which I have really neglected over the past year. I’ve never been able to post consistently. I am hoping to make my content creation process a more streamlined process in the future which means I should be able to post more regularly.

    Typically I’ll have random ideas and write them down, or I’ll find something interesting on the internet and make note of it. Then I pick one or two of these things each week and speak more about it here on my newsletter.

    I feel conflicted – I don’t do what I do just for the sake of creating content and gaining followers.

    I am genuinely curious about our world. I love learning. And I want to learn more about Business, Marketing, Organizational Psychology, Mental Models and many other aspects of life. I also want to share the tools that I use like and my personal productivity system. I want to share these things with you guys.

    I don’t want to be that guy adding noise to your inbox, so if I am, you can unsubscribe here. I won’t be offended.

    There is no point in learning if you’re not sharing. It’s a well known fact that teaching, is one of the best ways of learning.

    I need to figure out how this all comes together into a coherent content strategy. There are two types of internet creators. The hyper divergent thinkers, and the hyper convergent thinkers. I am planning on writing a blog about divergent and convergent thinking in not too distant future. Here is a quick summary:

    Divergent creators explore many different topics and ideas, the flip side is that it’s difficult of these types of creators to garner and audience. People are generally looking for consistency, or someone that is an authority on a topic. Examples are:

    Convergent Creators, converge on a singular topic, positioning themselves as an authority on the topic. In return, their focus attracts and audience that is looking for someone knowledgeable on that singular topic. We see this trend on twitter, there is the:

    Writing guy
    Marketing Guy
    Courses Guy


    In Summary focusing on one singular topic makes it easier to attract an audience, but it’s boring for the creator (at least in my case). While being a hyper divergent creator (which is what I tend towards) is more fun, it’s more difficult to create a following.

    This is just something I have to figure out, do I position myself as an authority on a topic? Or do I just ramble about what I find interesting.

    Why is creating a following important? It’s rewarding. Also, writing and learning is something that I genuinely love doing. If I create a following, I’ll be able to make a living off of it, which means I’ll be able to do more of it. And who doesn’t want to do more of what they love?

    I hope you’ve enjoyed this mini essay, which is actually more of a brain dump. Brain vomit, if you will. If you have any thoughts or ideas I’d love to hear them.

    Some of you have been replying to my emails, and i haven’t been responding. My email provider has been giving me hassles. It’s been sorted out now.

    Elon Musks 5 Manufacturing Principles

    In The Round Up #17 I wrote about Elon Musk’s 5 Manufacturing Principles. Well I wrote a blog about it, which you can find here:

    These Principles can be applied to many facets of life, and I have already been able to apply them to my day Job.

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