January 21, 2022 | misc
No Switchy
I used to be super into photography. I still have all my gear and I still occasionally get my camera out and take some pictures. In the photo community there is something called G.A.S. Or, Gear Acquisition Syndrome. As a photographer it is very easy to feal that upgrading your gear will make you better. While there is some truth to this, often the best way to improve is to get better with what you...
January 21, 2022 | misc
My goals for 2022
In 2020 I wrote about how I set new year resolutions. In that blog I talk about how you should identify who you want to become and then identify what that type of person would do. Instead of a lofty goal, you’ll end up with several habits that you can perform on a daily basis. The goal should be constant improvement, not an arbitrary metric. For 2022 here are my new year resolutions or as...